3 Ways to Prioritize Your Happiness Now

3 Ways to Prioritize Your Happiness

Last updated on July 2nd, 2021 at 04:07 pm

Happiness is one of those things that doesn’t have a particular definition to me.

To prioritize your happiness, first, you had to believe yourself to be worthy and understand that without meeting your own needs.

It varies from person to person, constantly changes, and can’t always be explained.

Prioritized your own satisfaction instead of postponing your happiness until you find a better job, lose a few pounds, or pay off all of your debt.

Compared to all of the other things we have going on in our lives, happiness can easily tumble down our hierarchy of priorities.

You must consciously and intentionally select to be happy daily.

These are a few things that can use to stop delaying your happiness and enjoy your life in the present and prioritize your happiness.

1. Identify The Things That Make You Happy and Don’t Make You Smile :

This sounds like a really simple concept, but I’ve found that it can actually be pretty difficult.

From your memory, write out a list of 100 things that make you happy.

Include all the activities, people, music, places, foods, etc. that make you feel alive.

You will be inspired to experience it more often when you get clarity on what you most enjoy in life.

Same with the unhappy list.

A hobby that brought you a lot of joy and happiness at one point might not necessarily do the same for you now.

In fact, it might be causing you unhappiness.

You could be unintentionally forcing yourself to do something that you don’t even enjoy anymore.

Which detracts from your overall well-being.

One of the most effective ways to prioritize your happiness is to be completely honest with yourself.

Don’t be afraid to admit that something no longer makes you happy.

Honesty is everything.

2. Give Yourself a Break :

Prioritize Your Happiness. girl with ice-creme. woman. girl. ice creme. www.blisslife.in

The most important components of prioritizing your happiness are knowing when you’ve reached your limits and being willing to admit it.

Every week, block off a few hours in your calendar to spend all by yourself—no work, no kids, no chores, no friends, no Social Media.

There are a lot of times when life feels like it moves at a constant.

Which is never-ending.

So, use that “Your” time to do something that makes YOU happy.

You’ve got to allow yourself that time if you want to continue happily and healthily.

Take time for yourself and notice how good it feels to savor the moment.

It’s really important to focus on yourself and the things that bring joy to your life.

A great way to put your happiness first is to set one of your lifelong goals in motion.

Some could be learning to knit or taking a cooking class or traveling to a faraway country.

3. Daily Journal Gratitude :

Gratitude can increase your life satisfaction, self-esteem, and optimism.

At the beginning or end of each day, simply jot down a list of three things you’re grateful for.

Ask yourself: What am I thankful for right now?

You can and should choose to be happy right now, regardless of your circumstances.

Happiness is always near to you.

And truly you deserve it!

Conclusion :

I shared 3 ways to prioritize your happiness in this article.

And I am sure the tips are simple enough to be followed.

Please share it with your beloved ones who might find it helpful.

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prioritize your happiness FIC: Pixabay

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About the Author: Moumita Jana

Moumita is the Editor-in-Chief here at BlissLife. She is also the H.R. Head at Amazing Electronics. She loves to Cook and Travel the World in her leisure time.


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